Friday, June 12, 2009

Loveliness in the outsidesies

Happy Friday, all! So I got done around five with my stuff at the lab. Busy days, todee and yesterdee. And then today, at the end of a two-day Western blot process, we found out that something was either wrong with the protein concentration of the samples or the chemicals we used. Two days of work out the window. We try again on Monday. Sigh.

But on the bright side (literally), after it had been pouring basically the whole day today, when I got outside it was so sunny and warm! Silly sun, where have you been? So naturally I decided to go to Warren for dinner. Dirty hippie smoothie guy was there. As always. He was at the cheesy strange chili potato station. I had one, just to appease him. He made one especially for me. I HOPE PATT READS THIS. She will be nodding her booty in approval.
There was also this "sweet Thai stir fry" at the next station. I do not think they meant for it to rhyme. Dirty hippie smoothie guy was not at that station. But I got one anyway. The tofu was squeaky. I am convinced it is from an alien planet. It's always so... squeaky. I get it sometimes anyway.

So after din-din, I went to check my mail. Sadly (this is very sad actually), I had no mail! My roommate had one letter, but it was from the bank. So I didn't feel so bad. Actually I still felt like crap. But not like really old, smelly crap that's disgusting. Just like crap sitting on the sidewalk with no one to notice it or send care packages to it.
Then I went to the library. It was closed. This was really bumming. Blimey. I really wanted to get some Toni Morrison to read. Alas.

I feel like I am telling a children's story with this post. I don't particularly care.
I took a venture down the Esplanade.
This is from where you just get off the walkee bridge:

I think that's the boathouse. It's either MIT's or BU's but I can't remember. I walk down there, on the other side of the river, a lot when I'm feeling fit. I think it must be BU's because it looks semi-nice. Lalala.

So then, if you walk down a little further, there's this little dock thingy (it's not a dock but whatevs) that I like to sit on when it's sunny. I only just discovered it last week when I was running. Even though I must have run past it all the time with Wegs and Angela. And when I say all the time, I mean kickball. Actually I mean the four or five times I actually ran during the school year. Ha.

Here's a nice view from the dock:

It's Bostie! I know everyone reading this wishes they were here... with me! Well, maybe some of you will come visit me soon. Hint. HINT.

So anyway, I should save some more pictures for the next time I post, which will probably be sometime this weekend, knowing my penchant for boredom. Penchant is not the right word. Eh.

Toodles for now guys! (Shout out to Imaly for the word toodles. I hope she's reading this :-D)


  1. don't worry about the lab stuff. i'm sure you'll succeed the next time. and i hate that chili potato dish. and that thai stir fry thing. i do not approve of you taking it. toni morrison isn't bad. i read her book: and the eyes were watching god. or something like that and it was enjoyable. the first picture you have is of BU's boathouse. MIT's boathouse is more towards mass ave and i think i saw the hyatt behind the boathouse. inside BU's boathouse is superrrrr nice though. don't ask me how i know this. wink. the dock looks nice too. we should have a picnic there in september. shall we make it a plan? and i'll try and visit in july. i gotta see whats poppin with my vacation plans ;)

  2. Isn't "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston? If I remember correctly. Not to be picky, though. My Lit teacher was just a crazy African-American literature fan. "A black woman inside a white man's body." His words, not mine. :-D

  3. crap that might be it. but i def read something by toni morrison. idk ... let me see. so i just wiki-ed it and i read the bluest eye. which was peculiar. idr my exact reaction to it. my b. good catch though.

  4. Haha, yeah, her books are mad weird. But very interesting at the same time. My kind of read.

  5. i miss you angie! soon you and i will be on that dock ;) i had a really boring day today, and i didn't get dressed until 7:00 pm. But I made up for it by looking cute, and I got the up-down from some mexicans. Guess that means I did something right.
    - Sarah

  6. Well, Sarita, you know my motto: As long as you get the up-down, you have my blessings. Where were the Mexicans? At El Toro Bravo?

  7. ahhh it looks so pretty!!
